Fee Structure (2021-22)

Sr No Class Tuition Fees Exam Fees Total Fees 1(At the time of Admission or Before 10 April) ||(Before 10 October)
1 Nursery 11500 11500 6000 5500
2 EKG 12000 12000 6000 5000
3 UKG 12500 12500 6500 6000
4 I 13000 1000 14000 8000 6000
5 II 14000 1000 15000 8000 7000
6 III 15000 1000 16000 8000 8000
7 IV 16000 1000 17000 9000 8000
8 V 17000 1000 18000 10000 8000
9 VI 18000 1000 19000 10000 9000
10 VII 19000 1000 20000 11000 9000
11 VIII 20000 1000 21000 13000 8000
12 IX 24000 2000 26000 14000 12000
13 X 27000 2000 29000 17000 12000

Registration Fees(For New Students) —1500/-

DD in the favour of :- Shree Deichand Mangeram Smart School
Bank Name - Oriental Bank Of Commerce
IFSC Code - 14131131003196
Account No. - ORBC0101413